Osteoporotic refracture prevention

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease that reduces bone density and strength. The reduced bone strength increases the risk of fracturing a bone from a slip, trip or fall, these are known as minimal trauma fractures (or fragility fractures). Having a minimal trauma fracture is a warning sign for osteoporosis and have a greater of refracture.

The initiative aims to intervene at the identification of the first minimal trauma fracture and intervene to prevent future fractures through provision of a fracture liaison service. It is based on the ACI’s Osteoporotic Refracture Prevention Model of Care.

The clinical aims of this initiative are:

  • improving identification of those requiring refracture prevention services
  • improving uptake of medication, exercise and calcium intake
  • fewer preventable fractures
  • better quality of life.

The information on this page is for clinicians and service providers. If you are a patient seeking a service in NSW, please visit the Osteoporotic Refracture Prevention Service Directory.

Snapshot of osteoporosis in NSW, 2019

There are about
50,000 fractures
due to osteoporosis
or osteopenia per year.

People who have a
fragility fracture...

Model of care

Osteoporotic Refracture Prevention Service Model of Care

This evidence-based model supports a consistent approach to identifying and managing minimal trauma fractures in NSW.

View model of care

For clinicians and services

What to improve

A summary of the four clinical components of the initiative:

  1. identification and triage
  2. assessment and diagnosis
  3. treatment initiation
  4. coordination of ongoing care

How to improve

Explore options for different organisational models to tailor clinical services for your local requirements:

  • coordinated multidisciplinary configuration
  • GP shared care configuration

Additional resources

For patients

Contact the Musculoskeletal Network

Email the team at ACI-Musculoskeletal@health.nsw.gov.au or visit the ACI Musculoskeletal Network.

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