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Better health for people living
with dementia

Services to enable

Enabling a person living with dementia to live comfortably and safely at home may require, at some point, help in the home. People’s needs differ, so ensuring that the assistance targets the needs and choices of the person living with dementia is crucial. Such assistance may be help with domestic tasks for one person; accessing the community for another; shopping assistance; or accompanying a person on a daily walk. People who live alone are likely to need assistance earlier than people who live with family.

Practice points

Many allied health professionals:

  • discuss options and make referrals for services that provide domestic assistance, personal care, shopping assistance or community access.

Social workers:

  • provide information about navigating the service system
  • provide advice around services and financial support available.

Occupational therapists:

  • can help with the practical side of financial management, such as budgeting and bill payment

Counsellors, social workers and psychologists:

  • provide emotional and psychological support as people adapt to their changed circumstances.