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State Spinal Cord Injury Service

Spinal Seating Modules

Key concepts in this module

  • Pressure management is a high priority for clients with a Spinal Cord Injury
  • Knowledge of pressure injury risk factors, risk assessment tools and common locations of pressure areas assists the investigation of pressure related seating problems
  • A detailed seating assessment to address pressure management is warranted if the client has a current or recurrent sitting acquired pressure injury, or if a client requires a new seating and mobility system
  • Consider the client’s ‘size’, ‘shape’ and functional abilities in comparison to the current seating and wheeled mobility system in recognition of pressure related issues and intervene accordingly
  • Posture, pressure, functional capability and client comfort are interrelated aspects of seating
  • The seating system will not eliminate pressure all together, weight-shift (relief strategies) are an integral consideration.
  • Consult with a Spinal Seating Service and relevant professionals for support or joint consultation as required.


  1. Canadian Best Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries in People with Spinal Cord Injury- A Resource Handbook for Clinicians; Houghton PE, Campbell KE and CPG Panel (2013). ISBN 978-0-9919094-0-7
  2. Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals, 2ND edition, Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, 2014
  3. A Best Practice Model for Risk Assessment and Management for Pressure Injuries following Spinal Cord Injury Dialogue Summary _following_Spinal_Cord_Injury_Dialogue_Summary
  4. Pressure Ulcers: What you should know. A guide for people with spinal cord injury' Spinal Cord Medicine; Clinical practice guidelines. Paralyzed Veterans of America. 2002.
  5. Bowman, T. “Preventing and treating pressure sores: a guide for people with spinal cord injuries”, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, 2015