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State Spinal Cord Injury Service

Spinal Seating Modules

Key concepts in this module

A good posture is important to the client’s long term health status and ability to optimise functional capacity. Posture is closely linked to the other three goals of seating: pressure management, functional capability and comfort.

A thorough assessment leads to appropriate goals; relevant goals are critical for successful interventions. A thorough seating assessment enables clinicians to identify the cause and effect of postural abnormalities and possible interventions. Clear seating goals can be established through the process of deductive reasoning, building from assessment information and clinical evidence.

Proximal postural stability is needed for dynamic tasks to be carried out.

Postural intervention is about  configuring the seating and wheeled mobility system to suit the ‘size’ and ‘shape’ of the client in order to optimise client’s functional abilities and environmental access.

Provide training in the usage and care of trial equipment.

Achieve consensus with the client and others involved regarding the conditions under which trials are run, the provision of feedback and participation in further seating reviews as necessary.