NSW trauma app

The NSW trauma app includes:

  • specific burn injury resources
  • interactive burns calculator
  • detailed NSW health facility information
  • trauma related medical calculators, interactive checklists and clinical timestamps.

The app is free to download from:

Watch the following video for an overview of the app, highlighting its many features.

Terms and conditions

By using this application, you agree to the terms and conditions.


In June 2017, the NSW trauma app received a merit award (Public & Government sector) in Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) NSW iAwards.

As part of receiving the NSW merit award, the app was also entered into the Australian iAwards later that year. This involved written and live pitches to peer nominees and judges from around Australia. The NSW Trauma App won the Public Sector and Government Markets division.

App use around the world


The NSW trauma app features and functionality are regularly updated and improved to ensure that it helps in the efficient coordination of a response in trauma scenarios.

Version 6, August 2021

Version 6 of the NSW Trauma App contains the following features:

  • Two new standalone adult and paediatric burns calculators allowing the user to rapidly estimate total burns surface area without entering additional information.
  • Existing adult and paediatric burns calculator with the Parklands formula has replaced the text “IV fluid” to “Hartman’s fluid” to reflect current practice more accurately.
  • A new link to the NSW trauma transfer algorithm.
  • Small changes to the timestamp function in the retrieval section to align with other end user documentation.

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