Episode5 Segment 5 - How do I keep up with my school work?

Fast Fact 1

Talk to people
in your school
about your pain

Fast Fact 2

Use a diary
and plan your time

It is important to have people at school that can help you manage your pain and school work, especially if you are stressed or anxious. Identify a key support person at school to contact if there are changes to discuss, when feeling concerned, stressed or anxious.

This person can:

  • be the school counsellor, welfare officer, or year co-ordinator
  • teach and remind you of strategies to manage your stress and anxiety
  • chat to your teachers about your current work-load and how to best manage
  • assist you with time management and organisation

Remember to speak up and ask for help. Teachers will not necessarily know about your pain or be able help you unless you communicate with them.

School work and pain? You need time management

Being organised with your time is important for all students, but especially if you have pain. Setting up routines and planning for the day and week at school and at home are an important way to manage your time and your pain. Being organised really helps reduce stress and creates more time for fun things to fit into your day too. Read the example table provided with possible timetable examples and code list provided. It might help you to develop your own timetable.

User Activity

The purpose of this activity is to help you identify how pain can affect your day, then after looking at an example of a timetable, you can write your own timetable.


  1. Read the following questions and type your answers into the box.  The answers should help you decide what to write in your timetable.
  2. Have a look at the example diary page below. Read the example timetable  provided with possible timetable examples and code list provided.
  3. Fill in your own schedule using the blank timetable provided and print it out,  or you can print a blank copy to fill in.


Before you make a timetable it is important to identify how pain can affect your day.

Answer the following questions below to find out:

When is your pain at its worst? Eg morning, afternoon

What activities make your pain worse?

What activities make your pain better?

When do you need to concentrate the most? Eg maths

What is the one most important thing you want to achieve each day? eg Monday sport, Tuesday concentrating in English

What special events do you have coming up that you need to plan for? eg excursion, netball trials

When do you have physical education or sport scheduled?

How much moving around is needed each day?

How much sitting time is there each day?

What do you do to have fun and reward yourself?


Have a look at the timetable example below for some ideas of how to do one for yourself.

Example Timetable

Use the following list to give you ideas of what you may want to put in your timetable:


  • Meals
  • Exercise
  • Practice relaxation and distraction techniques
  • Medication times
  • Bedtime and wake up time
  • Rest
  • Appointments (doc, physio, massage, hydro, singing, horse riding)
  • Social activities (chill out with friends, gaming)
  • Homework
  • Chill time

Add your own below:

Choose a symbol, enter your own label, select a color and click 'Add'.

Symbol: Text: Color:


Now fill in your own timetable for each week, then revise it (good to get help with this from parents / friends, so don't plan to do too much).  You might find you need to drop a few things, or add in others.

Time of the day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Midnight - 5am
5am - 6am
6am - 7am
7am - 8am
8am - 9am
10am - 11am
11am - Midday
Midday- 1pm
1pm - 2pm
2pm - 3pm
3pm - 4pm
4pm - 5pm
5pm - 6pm
6pm - 7pm
7pm - 8pm
9pm - 10pm
11pm - Midnight

Day-to-day Routine

Read more to find out other suggestions that can help you plan your day.

Listed below is a day-by-day routine. Use a phone or diary to record all your activities.

Each morning, look at your diary. Do you have all the books and supplies for your pain management that you need for the day?
Before you leave for school, make sure you have everything you need for the day. Lunch? PE clothes? Anything else?
At school, look at your diary throughout the day. What events are on? What things are due? Where do you need to be? Remember to write down your homework and due dates.
Before you leave school, check your homework diary. Have you written down all of your homework tasks? Do you have all the books you need? homework?
At home, do your homework and make sure to pack it in your bag.
Each night, look at your timetable. Pack your bag the night before with the right books and supplies.