Episode2 Segment 3 - What are my current levels of physical activity?

Fast Fact 1

A 24 hour activity table is helpful

Fast Fact 2

Measuring progress will motivate you

Fast Fact 3

Activity can be graded from gentle to vigorous

Working out current levels of activity

It is important to recognise your current levels of physical activity on a usual day. One way of working out what you are currently doing is through the use of a 24 hour activity table. This table will help you work out whether you are getting 6 minutes or 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day. It will also show you periods of time where you  may be inactive.The table covers three main areas:

1. What activities do you do?

This includes things like sleeping, travelling to/from school, sitting in class, playing sport, sitting down for meals, lying on the couch to watch TV, standing in the kitchen to wash up, and so on.

2. How much time do you spend doing the activity?

Use a watch, pen / paper / iPod / iPad to record how long you spend doing the activity. For example, from 10am-11am you may spend 40 mins sitting in class, 5 mins walking from class to meet your friends for recess, and 15 mins standing with your friends eating morning tea.

3. What is the intensity of the activity?

There are 3 main ways of describing the intensity of an activity – vigorous, moderate, and gentle.

  1. Vigorous activities tend to make you “huff and puff”.  Some examples include running, swimming laps or training for sport such as netball or soccer.
  2. Moderate activities involve getting up and about, usually using the whole body, but not huffing and puffing or feeling sweaty. Some examples include brisk walking, bike riding or skateboarding with friends, dancing, hand-ball, playing in the surf, climbing a tree, helping with sweeping or vacuuming.
  3. Gentle activities tend to be ones where you may not even notice or think of it as an activity, but they involve moving. Some examples include showering and getting dressed, helping with the washing up, folding clothes, strolling around the house, park, or shops, playing musical instruments, gentle movements in a pool.

User Activity

This activity is about recognising your current levels of physical activity on a usual day.


Below is a 24 hour activity table. The first column has been filled in for you with the time of the day. The second column is for you to fill in with the activities you did. The third column is for you to fill in the amount of time spent doing the activity. The fourth column is for you to fill in the level of intensity of the activity (vigorous, moderate, or gentle).

Print off the table when you have finished.

Time of the day What is the activity? How much time is spent doing the activity? What is the intensity of the activity (Gentle, Moderate or Vigorous)?

The 24 hour activity table is one way of working out how much physical activity you are currently doing, and the level of intensity that activity is. This will help you to get a baseline of your current activity. Looking at your table, how long are you spending in a day resting, lying down, sitting, standing, and walking? How many of your physical activities are moderate or vigorous?

What else can I do and measure?

Other than measuring time spent in an activity, you can also measure things like distance walked, weight lifted, and repetitions with your physical activities. For example, you may be able to walk to and from the local shops or park, you may be able to lift small grocery bags into and out of the car, you may be able to do a number of sit-ups, star jumps, or push ups. These are all physical activities that can be measured, and then improved upon. You can use a pedometer or free App to work out distances, and scales for weights.

User Activity

This activity is about recognising physical activities you can do and measure.


The table below contains two columns. The first column contains a list of possible  physical activities, with a blank section for you to add your own. The second column is for you to write in the current level of activity you are performing at. It is important that you fill in the details for those activities that mean something to you. For example, if you want to be a goal-keeper in netball or soccer next season, then standing, walking, and jogging levels will be important for you to work on.

Physical Activity Thinking about my current pain levels, this is what I can do now
Stand Time =    
Walk Distance = Time =
Jump Repetitions =
Distance =
Balance on one leg Time left leg =
Time right leg =
Throw a ball Repetitions right arm =
Repetitions left arm =

Distance (average) right arm =
Distance (average) left arm =

Kick a ball Repetitions right  leg =
Repetitions left leg =

Distance (average) right leg =
Distance (average) left leg =

Jog Distance = Time =
Run Distance = Time =
Swim Distance = Time =
Lift Repetitions =
Weight =

Time =