Episode4 Feedback

This is the end of Episode 4!

It is hoped that you have gained information about some strategies for managing pain and fear-related thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.

In particular you should have a better understanding about:

  • You are more than a person with chronic pain
  • How to recognise and manage avoidance behaviours and unhelpful thoughts
  • Distraction, relaxation, and mindful techniques
  • How to use pain management techniques in everyday life

You should also have developed some skills in:

  • Managing unhelpful thoughts about chronic pain
  • Designing a distraction plan to use in different situations
  • Focussed breathing
  • Identifying areas of physical tension
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Writing and rehearsing pain management techniques

Take a break now, and take some time to think about what you can do to make your experience of managing pain better. We would like to know if you found the information in this episode useful, so please fill in the feedback questions below. Thank you!