Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that commonly affects the knees and hips. It is a leading cause of chronic pain, disability, early retirement and lost productivity.

The initiative focuses on providing access to conservative care for people with osteoarthritis, before or while they wait for elective joint replacement surgery.  It is based on the ACI’s Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program Model of Care.

The clinical aims of this initiative are:

  • improved pain and comorbidity management
  • better function, mobility and quality of life
  • improved readiness for surgery
  • more appropriate surgical waitlists.

The information on this page is for clinicians and service providers. If you are a patient seeking a service in NSW, please visit the Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program Service Directory.

Snapshot of osteoarthritis in NSW, 2019

More than 700,000 people
have osteoarthritis

This is expected to rise to
1 million by 2030

Model of care

Osteoarthritis Chronic Care Program Model of Care

A comprehensive, multidisciplinary model of care to enhance service delivery for people in NSW with osteoarthritis of the hip and/or knee.

View model of care

For clinicians and services

What to improve

A summary of the four clinical components of the initiative:

  1. whole-of-person assessment
  2. coordination of conservative care
  3. regular review
  4. shared decision-making about surgery

How to improve

Explore options for different organisational models to tailor clinical services for your local requirements:

  • coordinated multidisciplinary care
  • coordinator model

Additional resources

Contact the Musculoskeletal Network

Email ACI-Musculoskeletal@health.nsw.gov.au or visit the ACI Musculoskeletal Network.

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