Episode6 Segment 1 - You're not alone in coping with pain

Fast Fact 1

Let your family
help you

Fast Fact 2

Give your family
5 tips on how
to help you

Fast Fact 3

Celebrate your
positive efforts
and achievements

Although pain can sometimes make you feel a bit different or isolated, you are not alone. You are part of a family, a school, a group of friends, and a community. Sometimes when people are struggling with pain they may spend less time out with friends, at school, or in the community. That is why your family is so important.

Your family, including your parents and caregivers would generally do anything to take away your pain.

However, it can be pretty confusing for them to know how they can best help you, while also keeping the rest of the family functioning well.

Listed below are 5 tips about how you can help your family help you. The tips include to: be prepared, give permission, prompt, participate, and party.

Be prepared!

Prepare your family members to be good helpers by giving them some practical tips. Print out the Tip Sheets and give them to your parents, caregivers, brothers, sisters, and whoever else lives with you.

Parent Tip Sheet Siblings Tip Sheet

Offer to sit with them and read the sheets together if you think it will help them.
They will know you welcome their help, and they may be more helpful as a result.

Give Permission

Give members of your family permission to help you. Parents and caregivers know what being constantly 'nagged' feels like, and they probably don’t want you to think that they are always 'nagging' or too pushy. But sometimes, having a parent or caregiver help keep you organised or on-track is beneficial. Tell them what you want them to do and when. Tell them what you don’t like.


Give your family specific instructions on how you want them to prompt (or remind) you to do the things you have decided to do. Even though we make plans and have the best intentions, life gets busy. It is helpful to allow your parent to prompt you. This might include:

  • A routine reminder to do a certain activity at a given time of day (in advance)
  • A gentle nudge if they notice you are not doing what you had planned (at the time)
  • Discussing your record of how you are going with your goal each week (looking back)


Encourage your family to participate in some of the activities you are doing to work toward your goals. Having someone doing things with you can be very motivating (and good for them too).


Ask your family to help you recognise and celebrate your positive efforts and achievements. You do not need to choose rewards or celebrations that require money or calories. Think about other ways to celebrate – be creative.